
Dreams of Me

This bleaklicious flash appeared in Horror Tree’s weekly online publication, Trembling with Fear. If you like creepy doll ghosts and don’t mind the horror of how they got that way or what they might do, you might enjoy this one.

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Bad Meat

The Drabblecast published this weird, gross little story, complete with inspiring sound effects.

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Schooling for Coach

Forthcoming in Mysteries Trade Magazine, a zine featuring a glorious range of creations including this sudden fiction about a JV basketball team trying to learn a high-stakes new play from their biology teacher slash coach.

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Separate Worlds

Check out PULP Literature Issue 41, Winter 2024, which includes “Separate Worlds”, my skippy fun flash about phones, tones, bones, and a little global meltdown. It’s just one possible answer to the age-old question for whom that bell tolls. I hope its truthy darkness resonates in you.

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A Break from the Sky

This flash won first place in Backchannels Journal‘s 2022 fiction contest. The story mixes an airport with a cabin, adds a splash of nostalgia, and garnishes it with a shitty marriage. Give it a try, maybe it’s your kind of cocktail.

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On Snowflake-veined Wings

A shortish, darkish tale about the intermingling horrors of corporate America, allergies, and social media. First published in Bourbon Penn #28 in ’22, and podcast in June ’24 at Podcastle.

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Fair Aliquant

An executioner serves justice to the traitor who murdered the beloved princess. Published September 30, 2022 at Daily Science Fiction.

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“Smilers” was originally published in Bourbon Penn #20 in March 2020. Podcastle produced an audio reprint in January 2022, and it was translated into Chinese in the October 2021 issue of Science Fiction World. “Smilers” also received an Honorable Mention in Ellen Datlow‘s Best Horror of the Year Volume 13. The Smilerverse is spreading!

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Flip Side

Squatting on the curb in front of a boarded-up duplex, a woman rocks back and forth, arms crossed, arguing with herself.

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